AI Lead Generation Chatbot for Real Estate

Capturing highly-qualified leads with AI is one of the best things you can do for your real estate business.

The worst thing that can happen is when a potential buyer or seller is on your website, but then clicks away without giving you their information.

ai chatbot for real estate

It is too expensive to always have a live person, who is fluent in 160 languages, available to chat 24/7.

But now you can have an AI agent do this for you!


We can train a custom AI chatbot on your entire real estate website.

This chatbot will know how to instantly answer every question a prospective client has.

We can set up this chatbot to ask questions such as:

These are just a few of the questions we could set up.

We will customize your AI agent with:

We can set up the chatbot to lead a conversation toward a goal such as:

We can also help make you a real estate calculator that this custom AI chatbot will be an expert with.

For example, we could have the AI chatbot collect information about:

And then the chatbot could calculate an approximate home value, and only email it to them once the website visitor gives you their email address.

Again, this is just one simple example of the type of custom AI chatbot we can build for your real estate business.

We have spent a lot of time building, tweaking, and perfecting these AI chatbots that are capable of lead generation.

These are not easy to make and they do take quite a bit of prompt engineering knowledge.

But when we are finished training them, the results are impressive.

Contact us here and let us build an AI lead generation chatbot for your real estate business.

Author Andrew Best


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