About Us

Where should we start?


We are the most human website about AI on the internet.

Our website is called:   AI Growth Guys

Let’s break it down:

AI – We talk about how to leverage the power of AI

Growth – We talk about growing your business, online presence, and   bank account

Guys – We are 2 guys – actual humans (not bots) – this is important.

This website is completely owned and run by 2 brothers:  

Andrew Best and Addison Best.

We each have over 20 years of online business experience (over 40 years combined)

We have 10s of millions of downloads from our English learning podcast

We are co-founders of 88Herbs, a premium health supplement company

We are Udemy Instructors

The world, especially the digital world, is changing so fast because of AI.

We’re going to use this website as a platform to keep up with AI and explain how to thrive in this new age.

We’ll share real stories from our past, along with thoughts of the day.  

We’ll run experiments, perform case studies, and give honest recommendations of useful tips and tools to help you get ahead.

This website IS for you if:

This website is NOT for you if:

Because the world is changing so rapidly, we expect this website to evolve as well.  It is hard to pin it down to a single theme.

Our values won’t change however.  

We value:

We will share:

Fun fact:  We just ran this page through an AI content detector, and it said this page has a 15% likelihood of being written by an AI.  Lol

Is that believable?